I sat in a Davis Square coffee shop curled up with a copy of Diablo Cody's Candy Girl: A Year in the Life of an Unlikely Stripper as I sipped my soy latte..
She wasn't the first But he'd never leapt so far
Everything I Knew — Peter Goldsworthy
Pitched as an Australian coming of age story, Everything I Knew warns about unintended consequences from the pursuit of so-called love, particularly when boundaries are crossed.
Henry Handel Richardson's The Fortunes of Richard Mahony (in three volumes — 1917, 1925, 1929) is a far too-oft forgotten classic of early Australian literature...
'That was the syllabus' says the young man late of the HSC
Mister if you had your time again Would you break or would you bend?
He meets her in August, that first time at least, outside an abandoned church on Bourke Street, her wiry body leant back to the wet brick wall...