An Important Note On Avocado From Ryan

Ryan Fuster


I quite like avocado

It makes me feel full
(without filling up on bad food)

I can eat it straight or spread it-
On my toast, on hamburgers… even on a cracker

Guacamole is about the best invention ever
We can thank the avocado (and the Aztecs) for that

And we’ve even got a neighbor from Indonesia
Who uses avocado in his milkshakes

The only problem with avocado-
(other than the fact I can never have enough)

Is that the they turn brown within minutes of cutting them open
(I hear it’s called ‘enzymatic browning’- thanks Mom!)

I can slow the reaction by squeezing over some lemon juice
Or I just quickly eat as much avocado as possible before it even has a chance to brown

Yeah… I quite like avocado.


(Ryan Fuster is nine-years-old. And loves avocado)
