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Have something to say?
Please send your letters to the editor to letters@thecud.com.au
You must include your name and city to be considered for publication.
March 2011
Edge Of The Tractor Seat
That a hard-working, honest farmer like Steve Marsh can find himself caught up in such a costly and challenging predicament is infuriating. Steve is exactly the kind of individual we need tending to Australian farms at a time when so many aspects of our economy are under threat, and instead he has fallen victim to politics, complex, muddled laws and corporate profiteering. I take it back: this isn't infuriating, it's a tragedy.
Dubbo, NSW
Undoing this kind of wrong and amending the necessary laws shouldn't be this hard. I hope our politicians will act soon to save the situation from the kinds of destructive corporate practices being upheld in American courts as we speak.
Sydney, Australia
Street Wanderings: A Street Art Photo Essay Of Boston
At a time when my own town's council is debating the legality of such works and what penalties can be levied upon those caught in the act it is nice, at least for a moment, to simply sit back and admire the work of some of these talented individuals.
Portland, ME
The Biggest Bully On The Playground: The Political Attack Ad
While I enjoyed Ms. Gillman's article and commend her for recommending that politicians tone down the rhetoric of their political attack adverts, I wonder if the real issue here isn't the inherent gullibility, apathy and ignorance of many potential voters. If people weren't swayed by such ads we'd arguably never see them in the first place, right?
Highland Park, TX
From The Cud Kitchen: Three Winter Warmer Soups
I really enjoyed the addition of a recipes article to your monthly Cud issue. More please!
London, England
Your cod, kale and bean soup shined as a tasty -and winter-warming- dinner for my family who thoroughly enjoyed the dish. Thank you!
Markham, Ontario